You learn, gradually but you do…

Your life is like a maze, its snaking out, has various openings and different endings but with all those tunnels there is a written board which says “At your own risk!!”

Weird, No?

You learn

What’s even weirder is that once you enter you’ve no way back. You can’t run away from a situation even if its life sucking. You have to be patient, do compromises, control your emotions, adjust with the circumstances and what’s even  worse,  you sometimes have to ignore what’s attracting you the most because you never know if the thing which sheens the most is gold or someone’s weapon to tear you apart.

And eventually the rougher the times you go through the tougher you become yourself. You learn to do things you once thought were not your type. You learn to become patient even after being punched in your face. You learn to say “Sorry” and learn to accept your mistakes. What’s totally worthy is that you start bending down and you become less egocentric. Your heart gets as softer as candy floss and your tongue gets politer.

You learn to do compromises to save a relation you can’t thought of losing. You start doing things which you feel could possibly make others happier in a way. You become a shoulder for someone to cry on, a hand which helps the tons of people and the most beautiful thing you learn is to be part of someone’s sorrow and happiness.

You start controlling your emotions, rather than letting others control you. You get hold of your red button, switching your emotions according to the requirement. It’s the hardest part, remember when you spitted it all back when you were angry, when you cried and screamed at a person in public who backstabbed you, when a guy mocked at you and you punched him right at his face or when you answered back your teacher. You learn, you learn, gradually but you do. You handle your anger, suck back your tears or rather cry a lot. You chose silence as your best mate and become an emotional disaster but most importantly you smile… even if deep at heart you’re sulking bad but you smile.

You start possessing the property of water, i.e. taking the shape of whatever bottle you put it into. In your case, the bottle is the circumstances your life falls into. It could be the best of the times, when you try to blend in and rub off the proudness, which might persist in you or it could be the hardest of times when you’re all broken and dying deep inside. It could be the miserable times, the hand to mouth ones or losing someone tragically or even winning a lottery (oh yes, we all want that though 😉 ). You adjust, with good or bad, worst or best, filthy or clean, big or small; hence whatever with the opposites with it, you learn to fit in.

But what my favorite part is, it’s when you start controlling your will power. You start choosing good over bad and you let your desires die. You understand the purpose of being on this earth and then you attain the level of peace, the serenity in your life. It’s your heart which gets all leveled up like a sea after huge storm. Things actually start making sense to you, “Why this happened?”, “Why such person reacted such way?” or in anomalistic case, even the questions like” Why it rained?’ or “Why do you sweat??” (haha 😉 ).

You start shining, like the early sun rise. You grow beautiful like a rainbow after rain. The colors you share start spreading positivity everywhere.

You’ll become a bit unusual; the change is so visible that people might start worrying if you should see some good psychiatrist. ( Haha ) That’s people, never letting you live lively but hold on, hold on to what you’re now because you’re special.

And special people are like snowflakes, light and soft, cool yet melting at the touch of the surface. Believe me, you’re gifted.  (:

Published by

Keen Wayfarer

I write what I observe, most of it is about the extreme sentiments which are easier to describe in the virtual world, because words coming out of mouth can often be misunderstood and hence the person gets labeled as "fake" or "wanna-be". So keeping it short, 2020 had been kind to me, married my best friend, completed my M.Phil in International Relations, learning new ways of living amidst COVID-19 and returning to my blog of 4 years old when I was merely a caterpillar! I might be a house wife as for yet but that is not my only purpose, my goal is "to satisfy my soul by feeding it with what it likes to do the most, and I will make sure that I do that". Peace (:

3 thoughts on “You learn, gradually but you do…”

  1. Its quite long haha but trust me it was so interesting that i didn’t want it to end. You wrote “The Life’s Reality” in this single blog. Thumbs up lady 🙂 I really think that you should write more often.
    Stay Blessed. 🙂

  2. Shanawar you are very intelligent Girl. whatever you wrote its always heart touching, just loved to read you…

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